Siem Reap is one province in Cambodia. It a famous province, there are a lot of temples. Especially Angkor Wat Temple. Most tourist like to come and visit the temples, but not many people come and visit the countryside.

Angkor Wat Temple

It also very wonderful and the natural views are very charming. It not only that, even  Cambodia isn’t developed very high, but people in Cambodia are very good at communication with each other together. If you can enjoy riding a bicycle to visit the countryside you will know how great. Not including in rainy season that most Cambodian are planting rice and you try to ride the oxcart with the farmers for visiting the field. It very bumpy like you ride an elephant that can make you very happy.

Nowadays the economics of tourism are very important for Cambodian people. It help to many part of the ministries, like make a job for unemployment. Beside that nearly all children in Cambodia are attended school and get the knowledge. In the past, they didn’t go to the school, because they are very poor and most people in Cambodia

Palm Tree

are farmers. So they let their child to help them with the housework or look after their brother or sister while their parents go to work. But now is different they can attend the school, even though they are poor also they can let them to school, because the government provide the school  and many foundations help them, like Ponheary Ly Foundation. They provide school material  for study.
It not to late Cambodia will become develop country and people that have the high knowledge.
Finally, we look forward Cambodia will develop all the things and student have enough ability for their job.

By Soun Sothy