By Travis Thompson

These Ponheary Ly Foundation students, some of the first to graduate the program, have gone on to exceed our greatest hopes.

sun sreyneang

Sun Sreyneang

Only a very small group of Cambodia’s brightest students are able to go on to study past high school in university, and an even smaller number go on to study at university in the capital. We are so excited to see some of our recent graduates in that select group of students, the future leaders of Cambodia. Thank you to Ponheary Ly Foundation Canada for their support of these students.

Sun Sreyneang is a Knar Primary School grad who left her village a year ago when she finished school. She’s gone on to study at university in the capital, Phnom Penh.  In the coming weeks, she’ll enter her second year of nursing school at Puthisastra University.  She’s excelled in all her very challenging classes, especially Chemistry, Psychology and French. During this academic year, she’ll begin training in Phnom Penh hospitals.

rouen chenda

Rouen Chenda

Rouen Chenda is a Knar Primary School grad who left her village the same year as Sreyneang. Chenda is now studying Khmer Literature at the country’s best university, Royal University of Phnom Penh. Chenda has done what many consider to be the impossible–earn a four-year government scholarship to attend this institution. She studies from morning until evening. In her first year, she had 10 courses, of which she completed all of them successfully. Outside of those courses, she also studies computers and English in her free time. In the coming year, she feels so confident in her abilities that she’ll be taking on 11 courses.


Soun Sothy


Tchey School graduate Soun Sothy just finished his first year of college at Pannasastra University in Siem Reap. In that year, he’s completed studies in the History of Cambodia, Ethics, International Business, International Organizations, Cultural Anthropology and Khmer Studies. He’s passed all these classes with flying colors. Sothy’s ability as a secondary school student with PLF was so outstanding that PLF hired him to be an English teacher at Tchey School when he’s not studying at university. He just completed his first year of teaching with great success. Students often tell us he’s their favorite teacher.

These are only three of many students who are finishing our program and heading into the world. We have plenty more success stories to share, especially from Srayang Dormitory students who’ve just finished Grade 9. We’ll have more on them coming to the website soon.